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Friday, 2 March 2012


We all apprehend what vitamins are smart for our bodies. Food producers advertise that they contain them, individuals take vitamin supplements, we tend to|and that we} are inspired to eat fruits and vegetables in order that we get enough of them. however what precisely are vitamins and what do they are doing for us?


A vitamin is an organic compound that your body wants in little amounts to keep up its health and performance. Vitamins are necessary for growth, repair, and metabolism in your body. Vitamins are a sort of nutrient as a result of your body cannot build them itself - it has to get them from an outdoor supply. whereas all vitamins are necessary, some are required in bigger quantities than others.

Some vitamins are water soluble, which means that they're stored within the water in your body. this suggests they're stored in little amounts and eliminated through sweat and urine. These vitamins may also be destroyed throughout cooking. samples of water soluble vitamins and Vitamin C and B advanced vitamins.

Fat-soluble vitamins are stored within the fat reserves of your body. they're not simply excreted from the body like water-soluble vitamins, and so they'll build up in your body. If they get an opportunity to create up an excessive amount of, they'll reach toxic levels. this can be why you must use caution when taking fat-soluble vitamin supplements, and raise your doctor what proportion you must be taking. Unless your doctor tells you otherwise, keep on with the suggested dietary allowance (RDA).

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