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Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Cake Rusk

  • Eggs 3
  • Butter 4oz/100gm
  • Castor sugar 4oz/8tbsp
  • Flour 4oz/8tbsp
  • Baking powder 1tsp level
  • Yellow food colour a pinch
  • Lemon juice 1tbs
  • Vanila essence 1/2tsp

  1. Pre-heat oven on mark 4 or 180 degree
  2. Sieve flour & baking powder along trice
  3. Beat butter and sugar with beater now in this mixture add one egg 1tbsp sieved flour, beat for a min then again add one egg, 1tbsp flour and beat, repeat the same again step third time
  4. Add rest of the flour and beat,
  5. Add lemon juice and yeallow colour and beat.
  6. Grease 8'' square mold and pour mixture into it
  7. Bake for 20 mins
  8. After 20 mins when normal soft cake has baked take it out from the oven and wait for it to cool
  9. Once cold take it out from the mold and make slices with knife
  10. Bake again on mark 3 or 140 degree for 20-25 mins.

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