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Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Cooking Recipe Chicken Tikka

Chicken tikka is a dish of South Asia. It is historicallyin the past baked recipe, using small pieces of chicken. It makes use of usually boneless chicken and marinated with spices. Traditionaly it is cooked in a clay based oven called tandoor. Chicken tikka has great depth of flavour and is worth the time...


Ø                  Chicken tikka pieces (giant sized) four
Ø                  All spice powder (garam masala) one tsp
Ø                  Ginger garlic paste one.5 tsp
Ø                  Lemon juice two lemons
Ø                  Red chili powder one.5 tsp
Ø                  Yellow food color 1/2 tsp
Ø                  Cumin (crushed) one tsp
Ø                  Onion (crushed) one
Ø                  Salt as to taste
Ø                  Sugar one tsp
Ø                  Yogurt one tiny bowl


Ø                  Take a bowl and add yogurt in it.
Ø                  Cover the bowl with a neat plastic sheet.
Ø                  Also add lemon juice, cumin, red chili powder, all spice powder and mix well.
Ø                  Preheat the grill at high heat.
Ø                  And leave it in refrigerator for atleast an hour.
Ø                  Now thread chicken onto skewers or roast it whole.
Ø                  Oil the grill lightly.
Ø                  About it is five minutes on each side.
Ø                  Grill the chicken till the juices run clear.
Ø                  Now serve the well cooked tikka.

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